How David Manilow would spend his Best Day Ever in Chicago - Axios Chicago

2022-09-23 22:55:06 By : Ms. Kelly Yu

Axios Chicago is an Axios company.

The creator of the Emmy Award-winning "Check, Please!" has launched a podcast called "The Dining Table," highlighting Chicago stories driving the business of food.

How it works: David Manilow talks about favorite restaurants and dining news, then interviews food people like this week's guest, chef Michael Kornick.

Context: Manilow's brainchild, "Check, Please!" aired on WTTW Ch-11 for 19 seasons until it was mysteriously canceled in 2021.

Breakfast: "I try to go to breakfast spots where they make things much better than my wife or I can do at home."

Morning activity: "I like to Divvy around town and explore Chicago. Sometimes electric, sometimes pedal power, depending on my mood."

Lunch: "If I'm feeling super adventurous I'd go to Calumet Fisheries on 95th Street, but that's a long drive for me. It's just a little shack and one of the last smokehouses in the area. Try the sable or any of their smoked fish."

Afternoon activity: "Well, Wrigley is certainly a nice way to spend an afternoon."

DInner: "I've been to Kai Zan, on Chicago Ave. near Western over a dozen times. Everything the Vizconde brothers create is splendid, both sushi and non."

Evening activity: "If Wilco's in town, I'd go to see them in concert. The smaller the venue, the better. I've seen them so many times I feel like I'm performing with the band."

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